IWF’s Illegal Access Obstruction Reward Fund
Our public lands and waters define our western character and outdoor lifestyles. Three quarters of Idahoans say they live here because of the opportunities our public lands provide. Public land attracts business. They offer food, experiences, and quality of life – Idahoans’ “second paycheck”. Access to these public lands is vital.
Yet, many individuals and interests continually get away with obstructing this access – flouting existing laws and trespassing public property by claiming it as their own or physically blocking public access on ground and water the public has every right to be.
To augment the limited resources of our law enforcement officers, to help public land users hold each other accountable, to encourage landowners to post only property they own, and to promote legal access, IWF offers a $500 reward for Idahoans who report and provide evidence to law enforcement authorities which results in the successful conviction of persons illegally communicating any public ground, road, trail, easement, or waterway is private.
Rewards of $500 will only be paid after a successful prosecution results in a conviction under Idaho Code 36-1603(b). To be eligible for the Illegal Access Obstruction Reward, applicants must record and provide to the Idaho Wildlife Federation all of the information below:
Time, place, and land management authority of illegal activity location. Date, photos and GPS points of signage or obstruction. Concise directions to location. Public agency in charge of road, trail, waterway, or land parcel.
Name and contact information for the law enforcement officer you reported the crime to. Name, badge number, agency, phone number and email, and date/time when first contacted.
Name and contact information for the law enforcement officer that issued citation. Name, badge number, agency, phone number and email.
Result of prosecution. Official documentation of conviction for violation of Idaho Code 36-1603(b).
Send all information to info@idahowildlife.org. Information for items 1 and 2 must be sent to IWF immediately after crime is reported. IWF will follow up with law enforcement officer and may follow up with reward applicant if any extra information is needed. Send information for items 3 and 4 to IWF as soon as conviction status is made public.
Rewards are only eligible if rules are followed. IWF must be able to contact law enforcement officers or prosecutors working the case to verify accuracy.
For every case that does not result in conviction, but does result in illegal obstructions or signage being removed by law enforcement or responsible governmental agency, reward applicants legally allowed to do so will be entered into a drawing to win a certificate they can present to pick up a shotgun or rifle from a sporting goods store. Drawings will take place for every 25 cases of signage or obstructions removed by law enforcement or responsible governmental agency.