Sportsmen Bill tracker
IWF Is Your Voice in THE Legislature
There are dozens of political arenas throughout state and federal government frameworks where fish, wildlife, and outdoor opportunities can be enhanced or put on the chopping block. We monitor and work with all individuals, agencies, processes and levels of government that can impact our outdoor heritage and let you know when and how you need to speak up.
We are at the state house every time sportsmen interests are under attack. We facilitate strategic legislative planning for sportsmen groups, professionally represent their interests in the legislature, promptly disseminate action alerts to our groups and supporters, and maintain close contact with the press. With a wealth of knowledge of natural resource policy, we operate by anticipating bad bills to efficiently defeat them, authoring proactive wildlife and sportsmen legislation, testifying in committee, and utilizing our state of the art communication and outreach system.
Click this link to find your local legislators https://legislature.idaho.gov/legislators/whosmylegislator/