Quality habitat is a necessity to all fish and wildlife.
Habitat provides food, water, and space all animals need to survive. Here is how IWF works to enhance and sustain healthy lands and waters.
Collaborating for creative solutions to protect, restore, and manage habitat
In Idaho, we use our lands and waters for many purposes- ranching, motorized recreation, mining, logging, etc. Often these areas also provide quality habitat and hunting and fishing opportunity. IWF works with Idaho’s diverse stakeholders to find creative solutions that continue human use while reducing and eliminating degradation in prime wildlife habitat.
Influencing public land management
62% of Idaho is public land: an incredibly valuable resource providing unfragmented habitat, clean water, and abundant fish and wildlife, not to mention opportunity for outdoor experiences. As an American, you have a say in how these shared national landscapes are managed. But you have a full-time job! So, while you work to fund your public land adventures, our full-time job is working on your behalf to influence public land management; prioritizing habitat protection, restoration, and accessibility. Read more about the public lands issue here.
Promoting and funding voluntary efforts on private lands
Idaho is more than public land. We farm, ranch, and log on private grounds we share with wildlife. Good stewardship provides quality habitat on private, working landscapes. IWF advocates for state and federal programs that aid and reward landowners to protect these habitats, and programs that incentivize landowners from selling open space to development. We continue to grow our outreach and conservation on private lands in Idaho.