Idahoans Value public land.

Public lands and waters supply unfragmented habitat for Idaho’s fish and wildlife and provide the backbone for our $7.8 billion recreation industry, the second largest industry in Idaho. They also contribute immeasurably to our culture and quality of life.

Americans spend $887 billion annually on outdoor recreation provided by public lands, creating 7.8 million jobs, which far exceeds these industries: oil and gas, education, transportation and warehousing, information, and construction.

Our public lands in Idaho generate:


$7.8 billion
in consumer spending


$2.3 billion in wages and salaries


$447 million in state and local tax revenue


78,000 direct Idaho jobs


Information can be found at

State Management

While state lands are important to Idaho by providing jobs and funding for Idaho’s public schools, it is important to know the difference between state land management and public land management.

  • By constitutional mandate, state lands are managed for maximum profit, not multiple use, wildlife habitat, or hunting and fishing opportunity.

  • State lands are not managed with public input. Public land management changes require public involvement.

  • The state faces significant pressure to sell land. It has sold 41% since statehood.”