ACTION ALERT: Tell CEQ To Breach Lower Snake River Dams

The Federal Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has asked the public to comment on recovering Columbia River salmon, Steelhead.

Over the course of the last few months, CEQ held a series of “listening sessions” on Columbia-Snake salmon recovery. Over three sessions (March 31, April 3, May 25), 161 people made 3-minute statements. Of the 159 who expressed a clear opinion, 124 (78%) called for restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River. 

With broad public support, leadership by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) and regional elected officials like Sen. Murray, Govs. Inslee and Kotek and Northwest Tribes, we have momentum.

Now it’s time for the Executive office to follow through on the necessary federal actions. 

While such an overwhelming representiation at the listening sessions is a great start, IWF KNOWS that there were a number of crucial Idaho voices unable to say their piece.

Now, this June, those voices, your voices, Idaho voices, are needed for the permanent record to show that impacted communities support breaching the four lower Snake River dams. Breaching the lower Snake River dams isn’t an “if,” it’s a when, and this is a chance to be a part of the process as opposed to letting it happen TO us. 

Fishermen, guides, outfitters, Bonneville Power Administration energy ratepayers, general concerned citizens in rural, riverside and impacted Idaho, this is a fantastic chance to have your unique voice heard. Frankly, anyone interested in the long-term well-being of a number of Idaho’s most crucial cultural segments should have your voice heard at the highest levels and placed in the public record forever.


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