LISTEN: Brian Brooks Discusses RETURN Act on Western Huntsman Podcast

IWF Executive Director Brian Brooks discusses the RETURN Act - unfortunately cosponsored by Representative Russ Fulcher (R-ID) - with Jim Huntsman (@thewesternhuntsman) on the Western Huntsman podcast.


From the Podcast Description:

“One of the most profoundly successful Federal funding programs in our history is The Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937. For 85 years, this legislation has funded wildlife conservation efforts to the tune of over eleven billion dollars. It has fueled projects such as habitat restoration, wildlife science projects, public access, species rehabilitation, hunter education, gun ranges, and much more. It has also been a strong badge of honor to sportsmen and women, a weighted fist in the fight against the anti-hunting movement, and an effective tool to improve the overall management of our wildlife and the wild places they thrive in.

Now, in a surprising twist, it is under attack by Republican legislatures under a false premise that it is an infringement to gun owners. As a right of center hunter, I'm embarrassed by this legislation. As a 2A advocate, I'm ashamed of the misuse of what I consider our most critical Constitutional Amendment. And as an American, I'm confused as to why our elected officials would meddle in such a wonderful conservation tool given the current issues Americans face that should be prioritized.

In this episode, Brian Brooks, Executive Director of the Idaho Wildlife Federation, joins me to break down the details of this proposed legislation, explain why it's misplaced, and offer some action items us sportsmen and women can do to combat it. The time is now, we cannot allow the people we have trusted in government office, deprive us and our wildlife of the most responsible use of tax dollars any collective group has ever contributed. Stop this bill!!”


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