Governor Appoints IWF to Salmon Workgroup


IWF is selected by the Governor to represent sportsmen on the newly formed Salmon and Steelhead Workgroup.

For several years IWF has brought rural Idahoans to meet with former Governor Otter, (then) Lieutenant Governor Little, their staff, and heads of agencies to talk about our declining fish returns. Just regular people – business owners, anglers, folks from Riggins and elsewhere – discussing how their livelihoods and identities were tied to salmon and steelhead.

And for decades longer, many more Idahoans did the same, patiently explaining to those in power the enterprise, food, and quality of life our fish bring to us from the ocean. We’ve worked hard for this.

Like a long-fought battle with a mighty chinook, the stories of these Idahoans impacted by severe fish declines have finally landed with Governor Little in office. Through the formation of a state-recognized workgroup, Governor Little has committed to an Idaho solution to bring our fish, and our fish communities, back from the brink.

The work is only just beginning. Governor Little’s workgroup is a collective of Idaho interests impacted by fish returns and Columbia River system management. The goal of the workgroup is to develop a unified policy recommendation for Governor Little to assist him as he shapes Idaho’s policy on salmon and steelhead recovery.  To that end, IWF is proudly representing recreational sport fishermen of Idaho.

The Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association will represent the industry built around the fishery. The Idaho River Communities Alliance will represent the towns – their people and livelihoods – intrinsically tied to the health of our fish returns.

This is a big deal; something to celebrate. The voices of sportsmen, guides and outfitters, and fish communities are being heard, proving that we are stronger organized together. The establishment of this workgroup is the first step towards recovering our once great fish returns.

Representing sportsmen of this state means we need to hear from you. What solutions do you have for salmon and steelhead recovery? Use the form below to drop us a line. We need to hear from you throughout this whole process.

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Brian Brooks