HB 658 Headed to Senate Resources Committee

Photo: Camellia Ibrahim

HB 658 successfully avoided the two standing Committees reserved for reviewing criminal and civil law legislation- House and Senate Judiciary and Rules.

In a rather nontraditional path, the bill lobbied for by the Texas Wilks brothers has weaved through the legislature while dodging the scrutinizing eyes of the committees most appropriately suited to vet such a broad bill.  House Agriculture saw the the bill first. Many asked why the most sweeping trespass law reforms in recent history shouldn’t go to House Judiciary and Rules, the committee populated with the most legal experts. Over ten hours of testimony, questions, and debate among law makers on the bill (and its first rendition, HB 536) is evidence that the the bill fell outside the Ag Committee’s expertise. In fact, that was even mentioned by at least one lawmaker in Committee.

Then, after two hours of debate on the floor, when no lawmaker discussed the merit of making sportsmen pay for the bill, 45 lawmakers voted to pass the bill, despite many objections from House lawyers, and even after the Attorney General said the bill will result in lawsuits with “absurd” requests for compensation from plaintiffs.

Then today (Tuesday, March 13), the bill was referred to Senate Resources and Environment, not Agriculture Affairs where the bill started on the House side, and not Judiciary and Rules where it ought to go. Remember, there are no lawyers on the Senate Resources Committee. Once again, the bill escapes vetting by legal experts.

What can you do now?

Fill out the letter below. It will go to every member of the Senate Resources Committee and your own Senator. Let’s stop this rushed bill, and make a good one.

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