IWF To Testify In Favor of Proposed IDFG Rules


The Idaho Wildlife Federation, which represents 23 affiliate sportsman organizations and a combined 35,000 supporters, will testify in favor of the passage of the following rules:

13-0110-1801 (ISDA and Chronic Wasting Disease): Because of CWD transmission concerns to livestock, the Idaho Department of Agriculture will generally not approve possession, importation, transport, sale, barter, or trade of wild cervids.

  • IWF supports this position due to the recorded loss of property values in areas with CWD in infected states, the dramatic decrease in hunting participation, the loss of cervid populations, and possible infection of livestock.

  • 1/17/2019: This rule was shot down by the Idaho House Resources Committee. It will be brought back at a later date and IWF will testify again in favor of this rule.

13-0110-1802 (Wildlife taken in CWD infected states transported to Idaho): Prohibits importation of cervid carcass from another state with documented CWD case, or from CWD management zone in Idaho to another part of the state. This rule does not apply to meat that is cut and wrapped, quarters or deboned meat, edible organs, hides w/o heads, upper canine teeth, finished taxidermy, dried antlers, cleaned and dried skulls.

  • IWF supports this for the same reasons as the previous rule: due to the recorded loss of property values in areas with CWD in infected states, the dramatic decrease in hunting participation, the loss of cervid populations, and possible infection of livestock.

13-0116-1802 (Methods of take for furbearing species- trapping setback adjustment): New rule moves from 5’ from centerline to 10’ from tread of any trail, and 300 ft from paved trail.

  • IWF supports this rule because our affiliate, the Idaho Trappers Association (ITA), worked proactively with the Department of Fish and Game to address trapping conflicts with other recreationists. ITA saw an opportunity to mitigate accidental impacts traps have by being set too close to popular trails, and stepped up to voluntarily police their interest to reduce such conflicts.

13-0117-1801 (Methods of take for gray wolf species- trapping setback adjustment): New rule moves from 5’ from centerline to 10’ from tread of any trail, and 300 ft from paved trail.

  • IWF supports this rule because our affiliate, the Idaho Trappers Association (ITA), worked proactively with the Department of Fish and Game to address trapping conflicts with other recreationists. ITA saw an opportunity to mitigate accidental impacts traps have by being set too close to popular trails, and stepped up to voluntarily police their interest to reduce such conflicts.

13-0117-1802 (Use of bait for hunting): New rule allows only synthetic liquid to attract elk and deer.

  • IWF supports rule change due to the recorded loss of property values in areas with CWD in infected states, the dramatic decrease in hunting participation, the loss of cervid populations, and possible infection of livestock. Actual urine attractants can carry deadly CWD prions. The adverse effects CWD will have on Idaho cervid populations are so severe, a moratorium on urine attractants is reasonable until more CWD research is compiled to make safer management decisions.

13-0118-1801 (Emergency feeding of big game): Prohibits private feeding of deer and elk within designated CWD management zone, but does not criminalize incidental feeding from livestock.

  • IWF supports this position due to the recorded loss of property values in areas with CWD in infected states, the dramatic decrease in hunting participation, the loss of cervid populations, and possible infection of livestock.

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