"No Input" Sought for Anti-Sportsman Bill, House Passes Anyway

House Bill 514, which would forever politicize the IDFG Commission, sped through Idaho’s House of Representatives last week clearing its committee hearing and the House floor in a matter of days. It’s now on it’s way to the Senate Resources committee. (Click here to see how your Rep. voted)

More surprisingly (or perhaps not) is when the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Paul Shepherd (R-Riggins), was asked if he had sought the input or support from sportsmen, sportsmen organizations, or IDFG Commissioners themselves. His answer was. “No, I have not.”

That answer was good enough, apparently. Legislators voted noddingly in approval before casting their vote on a bill that will irreversibly change wildlife and hunting policy in favor of politicians and their always great ideas.

Next steps: the Senate Resources Committee needs to hear from you. Below you can easily send a letter to every member on the committee, but you must use your own words. Some talking points are provided.

  • State your name and hometown in Idaho.

  • Tell them that you don’t support HB 514 and ask them to vote no.

  • Explain that the current system has served sportsmen well for 83 years: Idaho has more opportunity than ever. The wildlife-based industry is booming. Idaho’s political majority has flipped 15 times and the Commission provides insulation from such political shifts, serving sportsmen well.

  • The bill’s sponsor said in the House Committee that there was no sportsman input or support sought for the bill.

  • The bill creates no reward, yet sets us up for big risk. A future governor may not support hunting or trapping. Should we really give them the keys to the car?

  • Anything else you want to say. Just be respectful.


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With HB 514 Legislature Takes Another Step Closer to Nullifying Sportsman Initiative