PHOTOS: 2023 Camo At The Capitol, Legislative Reception

On Wednesday, Jan 25th the 1st Annual Idaho Sporting and Wildlife Partnership descended on the capitol.

Dozens leaders of Idaho hunting, fishing and trapping groups and public lands advocacy groups attended the Senate Resources and Environment meeting in honor of the election of two Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners. Shortly after, those same leaders met with committee Chairmen Senator Van Burtenshaw (R), Terreton , Senator Ben Adams (R), Nampa and Representative and Treg A. Bernt (R), Meridian for a more intimate discussion regarding ongoing sportsmen issues across the state and within their respected committees.

Following the time at the Capitol, the real fun began.

More than 100 sportsmen, representatives of Idaho Sporting and Wildlife Partnership members, appointed and elected lawmakers and agency staff attended the Legislative Reception at Beside Bardenay.

Former Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner Virgil Moore gave the keynote speech, reflecting on the origin and consistent & successful application of the North American Model of WIldlife Conservation in Idaho. Following Moore, first term Representative James Petzke, (R), Meridian, spoke to the crowd about the collective focus of the overwhelming number of new legislators on natural resource issues and their commitment to maintaining the FIsh and Game’s autonomy.

What Is The Idaho Sporting and Wildlife Partnership

Idaho’s hunting traditions and standards of wildlife management are being pulled in multiple directions by diverse factors, including demographic, urbanization, political interests, anti-public trust philosophies and values, significant habitat loss and changing climates.

Challenges such as these necessitate sportsmen to maintain an organized and effective coalition.

Idaho Sporting and Wildlife Partnership (ISWP) is an association of diverse wildlife and sportsman organizations with a common interest in the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. ISWP is committed to preserving our hunting, fishing, and trapping heritage and the state’s long and successful history of responsible, science-based wildlife management by the Idaho Department of Fish &; Game.

The unifying element is a shared commitment to:

● Communicate regularly on relevant issues with established schedule of meetings;

● Build unity among partner organizations and increase collective effectiveness;

● Maintain vision for wildlife conservation, management, and rights;

● Develop and pursue implementation of recommendations for federal and state agencies.


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2023 Weekly Legislative Recaps