Salmon/Steelhead Campaign Enters New Stage of Momentum

There has been a flurry of activity on the salmon/steelhead front in the last few weeks. And it represents a sea change in the decades-long fight to stop our dwindling fish populations.

It’s good news for fish dependent communities, anglers, and tribes who’ve grown despondent over the decades. After February, when Congressman Mike Simpson introduced his Columbia Basin Initiative, many waited anxiously for a response from other Northwest leaders and the general public. Finally, a comprehensive solution to reverse the extinction crisis now has support and traction region-wide, from key legislators, the public, and from the highest levels of U.S. government. So what is new?

  • (October 22) Washington Governor Inslee and ranking Senator Murray committed to develop an action plan for a comprehensive solution by July 31, 2022 that prevents salmon extinction, honors the commitments to Northwest tribes, and invests in clean energy replacement and transportation services. The process specifically looks at how breaching the LSRDs can be accomplished and builds on Rep. Simpson’s Initiative. You can view the Inslee/Murray press release here. There is now bipartisan support from the House and Senate.

  • (October 21) The Presidential Administration announced charting a path forward to end the Columbia River Basin conflict salmon and dams. A monumental step forward, the plight of Idaho’s fish has the attention and commitment of the U.S. executive. A first in this decades-long fight, commitment from the executive (and all relevant agency/department heads) is a must to pass any comprehensive solution to save our fish.

  • (October 7) A poll showed that widespread majorities of voters in Washington support a plan to remove the Washington LSRDs to prevent salmon extinction, along with accompanying investment in agriculture, energy, and transportation. 60% support breach while only 21% strongly oppose. A majority of both democrats and republican voters support breach. Like

The 50-year story to stop the decline and recover Columbia-Snake river stocks of salmon and steelhead is a tragedy. Stakeholders and politicians refused to collaborate. Federal agencies neglected their obligations. In the face of decades of apathy, litigation became the last option, and it has staved off extinction of our fish for a time. But, now it seems hope for real change is truly on the horizon.

Of course, breaching the LSRDs is not the only thing that must happen to save our fish, but all other remedies wont work without breach. The science is settled. A comprehensive solution must go beyond fixing only the harms caused by dams. If you want to know what else could be done, take a look at the Columbia Basin Initiative.

Things are getting exciting. Let’s bring them back.


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