STEELHEAD CLOSURE – For The First Time, Dworshak Will Not See Enough Steelhead To Meet Brood Stock


Idaho’s Fish and Game Commission has voted to close the steelhead season on the Clearwater & Snake Rivers, effective at midnight on September 29th.

Included in the closure is the main Clearwater, North Fork Clearwater, South Fork Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater, and Snake River from the Washington/Idaho state line to the Couse Creek Boat Ramp.

This vote comes at the heels of the third meeting of Governor Little’s Salmon Workgroup, which IWF has a seat on. The group is meeting in Lewiston, a city nestled in the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers. On Thursday, IWF and the rest of the Governor’s Workgroup toured the Dworshak Hatchery where scientists noted that for the first time, Dworshak is preparing to not get enough steelhead back to meet brood stock.

Last year, Idaho politicians were quick to speak up when environmental groups threatened to sue over a lack of incidental take permit, yet this year’s dismal returns have seen silence from the majority of Idaho’s elected officials. Idaho has only closed steelhead fishing to both harvest and catch and release one other time in 45 years. Our state’s salmon and steelhead are on life support and Idaho communities are feeling the brunt of the blow. Now is far from the time to stay silent.

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Becca Aceto