The Backyard Biologist Project

Looking for something fun and educational to do with your kids while we all spend time a little closer to home? Join the Backyard Biologist Project, empowering future generations of wildlife lovers and outdoor adventurers! The Idaho Wildlife Federation is launching this educational challenge for kids ages 5-13 (and their parents). Kids will discover ways in which they can benefit wildlife close to home while also learning more about the species we share our neighborhoods with. Even though most of us aren’t in the woods or mountains, we’re still surrounded by nature – we may just have to look a little closer.

The Backyard Biologist Project will be divided into two age groups:

Ages 5-8: How can you help wildlife with your own two hands? We invite kids to complete a project using things around your own home to create something that will benefit wildlife. It could be a pollinator garden, a wood duck box or bat box, or anything else you can think of. If you have an idea for a project but you’re unsure if it fits into this challenge, let us know!

Ages 9-13: We invite kids to research their own project that can help native Idaho wildlife, create the project with parents, then submit a short essay about how their project will help wildlife in their local ecosystem - this can be your backyard or somewhere else close to home.


Ages 9-13: What native Idaho species live in your neighborhood or backyard? Visit this list of native Idaho species then go outside (while following local health and safety guidelines) and see what you can find! Once you have documented a handful of species of native Idaho plants or wildlife, write up a short essay about how the ecosystem around your home is all connected. For example, if you find a great blue heron next to a body of water that has native trout and aquatic plants and insects in it, you may decide that those species are all connected! Have fun and explore responsibly!

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Choose from the categories above and use your imagination!

  • Sibling teams are allowed

  • If you choose to write an essay, please try to keep it between 100-500 words

  • For your submission, please submit a Word or PDF document of an essay, a photo and description of a project, or both.

  • If you have questions about what counts as a project submission, please send us an email:

All entries will receive an official Backyard Biologist certificate from the Idaho Wildlife Federation and will be entered to win a kids fishing prize package.

Submissions are due by May 30th and should be submitted to:


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