At IWF, we work to provide timely and educational updates that give you the tools necessary to be an effective voice for the issues in conservation that matter to you. From policy updates to wildlife and habitat statistics to public access stories throughout Idaho, we want to build an outdoor community that can come together around common goals and shared passions.
Birds, Birders, and Bird Hunters Score Major Victory
A federal court overturned a Trump administration reinterpretation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that had upended one hundred years of enforcement of industry interests responsible for killing billions of birds, including waterfowl- a law with long-standing, bi-partisan protections for migratory birds.
Historic Great American Outdoors Act Signed Into Law
The Great American Outdoors Act, which was officially signed into law at a White House ceremony, is the most significant conservation legislation in a generation. It will protect wildlife habitat, conserve public lands and waters, and expand outdoor recreation opportunities across Idaho – and across the nation.
Feds' Final Plan Neglects Idaho, Commits Our Salmon and Steelhead to Extinction Trajectory
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Lower Snake River Dams only affirms that Congress needs to intervene with a more comprehensive solution that will recover abundant salmon runs, revitalize communities, deliver clean and affordable power, support farmers and promote sustainable growth.
Conservation Commons: Toby Wyatt
In Idaho, the story that many people tell of their lives is one centered around a sense of place. A love of rivers, mountains, and forests drives people both professionally and personally. Toby Wyatt is one of those people.
Let’s find a way to keep Payette Lake Land in public hands
An investment firm is proposing to privatize 28,000 acres of currently publicly accessible and wildlife rich state lands surrounding Payette Lake. Let’s start by acknowledging this is a big, beloved, and scenic piece of highly valued land that nearly every Idahoan is familiar with.
Proposed Lucky Peak Trail Bisects Idaho's Densest Mule Deer Habitat
Boise sits just below important winter range utilized by the largest mule deer herd in the state. As many as 8,000 mule deer and 1,800 elk migrate from the Sawtooth mountains to winter in the low-elevation hillsides of the Boise River Wildlife Management Area. If you hunt Unit 39, these are animals you pursue in the fall.
Clearing Huge Hurdle, Great American Outdoors Act Passes Senate, Moves to House
With a final vote of 73-25, today the U.S. Senate voted in favor of passing the Great American Outdoors Act, S.3422. While IWF is disappointed in the “Nay” votes from Senator Risch and Senator Crapo, we applaud the overwhelming bipartisan effort and the final vote by U.S. Senators.
Great American Outdoors Act Needs Your Voice
The Idaho Wildlife Federation commends Senate leaders for moving forward with the Great American Outdoors Act.
IDFG Calls For Equity in Columbia River Fishing
This week, Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife held a Columbia River Compact call to explore additional opportunities for sport and commercial fisheries in the main stem Columbia River.
Chinook Season Flounders Again
Yesterday, Idaho Fish and Game Director Ed Schriever signed an emergency order closing the spring Chinook fishing season on the Clearwater River after only six days of fishing.
The Backyard Biologist Project
Looking for something fun and educational to do with your kids while we all spend time a little closer to home? Join the Backyard Biologist Project, empowering future generations of wildlife lovers and outdoor adventurers!
If You Care About the Clearwater, Get Involved in Forest Planning
The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest provides some of the most spectacular outdoor experiences in north central Idaho. A Forest Plan is required by law and will guide management actions on the Forest for the next 20-30 years.
Idaho Leaders: Maintain Responsible Outdoor Recreation Access
We are certainly living in unprecedented times. It is important we all remain committed to effective responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance to the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
10 ways to support yourself, your community, and wildlife in challenging times
We are in difficult times. Likely, everyone reading this has made significant changes to their own life in the past few weeks. Through this unsettling moment, we want to first ensure you that the Idaho Wildlife Federation is diligently continuing our work (from home) and we remain committed to a positive future for Idaho’s public lands, wildlife, and hunting and angling opportunities for all Idahoans.
Guidance for Sportsmen Commenting on the Columbia River Draft EIS
The recently-released Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Columbia River System Operations will have serious consequences for the future of Idaho’s salmon and steelhead.
House Committee Passes Bill to Give $250k to Utah Anti-Public Land Grifter Ken Ivory
We’ve seen some wild ideas sailing through the Idaho House of Representatives these past few weeks. Adding to the list of bad bills is Representative Judy Boyle’s (R-Midvale) HCR 38.
Idaho House Passes Bill Eroding Government Transparency
Oh boy, is the House rolling out some doozies this session! The latest bill to enter the fray of very bad ideas is House Bill 601.
Central Idaho Towns Demand Action To Save Fish and Communities
BOISE, ID: Idaho mayors, city councils, and chambers of commerce send letter to Idaho’s leaders demanding action to reverse extinction trend of salmon and steelhead.