At IWF, we work to provide timely and educational updates that give you the tools necessary to be an effective voice for the issues in conservation that matter to you. From policy updates to wildlife and habitat statistics to public access stories throughout Idaho, we want to build an outdoor community that can come together around common goals and shared passions.
Introducing Bobby Pidgeon: IWF's Legal Research Intern
Joining the Idaho Wildlife Federation as the Legal Research Intern, Bobby is excited to work with IWF on legal issues relating to Idaho’s fish, wildlife, public lands and outdoor heritage.
Legislature’s Wolf Bill Sets Dangerous Precedence
Let’s acknowledge off the bat that wolves are a sensitive topic. People love or hate them. They kill livestock, which puts hardship on individuals. Opinions on management typically wedge like-minded folks into two camps: science-based management through the Commission framework or scorched earth. IWF’s stance is this: manage them as game species.
USGS Reports Dire Situation for Sage-Grouse, Need for Renewed Conservation Efforts
A couple weeks ago, the U.S. Geological Survey released a new report painting an even more dire picture for sage grouse than previously thought. The report finds across its 11-state range, sage-grouse populations have declined 80% since 1965, equating to a 3% annual decline.
Introducing Kyle Maki: IWF's North Idaho Field Representative
Joining IWF as the North Idaho Field Representative, Kyle is excited to begin working to help conserve the fish, wildlife, habitat, and outdoor heritage that we as Idahoans value so much.
Bill Proposes Pro-Habitat, Voluntary Water Quality Trading Program
HB 99 would direct the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to establish a voluntary program that would increase opportunities to treat polluted water while benefitting fish and wildlife.
Big Payette and Cascade Lakes Water Quality Act Critical for Anglers
HB 113 would re-establish the Big Payette Lake Water Quality Council and Establish a new Cascade Lake Water Quality Council.
Bill Funding Anti-Public Land Grifter (Re)Introduced
The bill would give Utah’s Ken Ivory $250,000 - that’s Idaho taxpayer dollars - to continue his long career grifting taxpayers to fund his various anti-public land schemes, all of which fizzle out, leaving Ivory wealthy with your money.
Time is Right for Rep. Simpson’s Bold New Salmon Proposal
This weekend Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released a preliminary proposal to restore Idaho’s salmon and steelhead by breaching the lower Snake River dams and investing in new power generation and transportation infrastructure, among many other things.
Payette Lake Endowment Lands Subject to Sale
In June, Trident Holdings LLC released their informal proposal to privatize and develop as much as 28,000 acres surrounding Payette Lakes. Not surprisingly, the proposal was met with significant pushback from Idahoans and sent Trident back to the drawing board.
IWF Introduces Disabled Veterans Special Hunt Sponsorship Program
Starting in 2021 the Idaho Wildlife Federation will annually sponsor an application for a special big game hunt tag on behalf of a disabled veteran and raise funds to cover the expenses for the hunt.
New USGS Report Showcases Cutting Edge Migration Data
The early trappers put wildlife migrations into simple terms. Today’s mule deer encounter a few more obstacles along their migrations than those observed by the fur trappers from 200 years ago, but what we are learning today can help us conserve these migrations into the future.
BREAKING: Army Corps Decides "No Action" on Lucky Peak Trail
The Army Corps of Engineers has just issued a “No Action” decision for the proposed Lake View Trail in critical big game wintering habitat near Boise. The No Action alternative decision is a tremendous win in the eyes of sportsmen and women who have fought for generations to protect Idaho’s largest migrating mule deer herd from encroachment of development.
Overwhelming Sportsman Opposition To Lucky Peak Trail
This Summer, sportsmen and women rallied together to oppose the Army Corps of Engineers’ plan to construct the Lake View Trail near Lucky Peak Reservoir and within the Boise River Wildlife Management Area.
WA, OR, MT, and ID Governors Form New Regional Process to Break Cycle of Failed Salmon Recovery Efforts
Columbia and Snake River stocks of salmon and steelhead are circling the drain of extinction. The Columbia-Snake River Operators – the federal agencies who manage the river system infrastructure – have perpetuated a decades-long cycle of failed fish recovery plans found illegal time and again for their shortcomings.
Feds OK Final River Management Decision, Admit It Does Not Recover Salmon
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration signed a joint Record of Decision(ROD) for the Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), finalizing a years-long process that ultimately left out Idaho communities and industries associated with salmon and steelhead. I
ACE Act Provides Tools Needed for Idaho's Wildlife and Sporting Future
As we’ve seen time and time again, conservation of wildlife and wild places prove to be some of the only avenues that can tear down partisan walls and unite all Americans to take action as one nation. The ACE Act is no exception.
Conservation Commons: Wendy Pratt
Wendy Pratt is a fifth generation Idaho rancher, living and working among the sagebrush and bunchgrasses of eastern Idaho alongside her husband, Mark, a fourth generation Idahoan, and her three grown children. As someone who embraces curiosity and compassion, Wendy’s story speaks to anyone seeking a stronger sense of place and a better understanding of the role humans can play in the stewardship of land.