New Senate Bill Would Help At-Risk Species, Boost Wildlife Conservation Funding

Locally-led efforts to prevent extinctions and help at-risk wildlife species across the nation would be funded through new bipartisan legislation in the House and Senate. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act will allocate approximately $17.6 million to Idaho each year, which the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will use to help hundreds of species of concern, including bighorn sheep, sharp-tailed grouse, and mountain goats.

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Private Land Conservation, Public Land Benefits

Roughly 31% of the land in Idaho is privately owned. Wildlife, of course, does not adhere to the same property boundaries as humans. Migratory species especially rely on a patchwork of land ownership to survive from year to year, whether that land is someone’s private ranch, farm, or expansive BLM-managed sagebrush steppe.

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Guest User
Legislature’s Wolf Bill Sets Dangerous Precedence

Let’s acknowledge off the bat that wolves are a sensitive topic. People love or hate them. They kill livestock, which puts hardship on individuals. Opinions on management typically wedge like-minded folks into two camps: science-based management through the Commission framework or scorched earth. IWF’s stance is this: manage them as game species.

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Brian Brooks